Albert Einstein Biography
Born (1879) Albert Einstein was born In ULM In Germany , Date of March 14, 1879 After birth Six weeks later the family Was moved to Munich. He sacrely talk to everyone at the age of three. It's a very shocking our family. Albert Einstein build tall houses or card and hated played soldiers . In the age of Twelve. He was very expensive boy in our age. And this age he was fascinated by a geometry book. (1895) In the age of 15 Albert quit the high school, disgusted by role learning and Martinent Teacher's. Few year later Albert entered in Federal institute of technology in Zurich. (1900) After hard work in laboratory but he was skipping a lectures, Einstein graduated with in unexceptional records .For two year he was find only odd jobs,but he finally got post as a patent examiner .and He married a former in his classmate. Jo (1905) They showed mass and energy are two parts of the same thing, mass-energy ( E = mc 2 ).